2023 Interns

Rosimara Barboza
“Passionate about science and life, always looking for my best version“
State University of Rio de Janeiro

Urys Hernández
“I am very resilient and like to enjoy this time here”
National University of the Littoral

Carolina Ferraz
“Passionate about nature and enthusiastic about environmental studies“
University of Sao Paulo

Sylvana Posso
“I enjoy life and am grateful for every experience it gives me”
Icesi University

Zhiwei Song
“I like to travel around the world, swim, and play board games”
University of Copenhagen

David Arango
“I find joy in each and every moment of my life, both the personal and professional“
Xaverian University

Andrés Hernández
“We must be able to give the best of ourselves to create a better world”
Institute of Animal Science (ICA)

Cristian Zambrano
“We must leave the world a little better than we found it“

Petronille Dusingizimana
“I seek to achieve excellence while actively seeking opportunities“
Félix Houphouet-Boigny University
Ivory coast

Daniela Bravo-Guerrero
“I actively participate in my local group promoting the agroecological vegetable garden and integrating syntropic agriculture principles“
University Of The Republic

Theophilus Isimikalu
“A skilled soil scientist focused on crafting soils resilient to changing climates, committed to safeguarding precious soil resources for present and future needs“
University of Ilorin

The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT is part of CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.
Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
Latin American Hub
Palmira – Colombia
Address: Km 17 Recta Cali-Palmira
Phone: (+57) 6024450000